When I think of spaghetti carbonara I think of the moment on This Morning when Gino said: "If my grandmother had wheels she would have been a bike." Anyway...
I served this with broccoli and homemade jumbo sized dough balls - really yummy!
Serves 5
For the dough balls....
500g strong white bread flour
7g sachet/2 tsp fast-action yeast
1 tsp salt
2 tbsp olive oil
1 tbsp clear honey
300ml hand-hot water
For the carbonara....
400g tagliatelle
2 florets broccoli, chopped
300ml single cream
2 eggs, beaten
1 tbsp parsley
300g bacon, cut into little squares
For the dough balls....
Place all the ingredients into a large bowl and mix it with a fork.
When it starts to come together, knead the dough on a floured surface for about ten minutes.
Divide the dough into 16 even pieces and then roll them into dough ball shapes.
On a baking tray, lightly brush over some olive oil and then space out the dough balls and leave to rise for at least one hour.
When it's almost dinner time, preheat the oven to 180C fan and cook to dough balls for 30 minutes until golden brown and fluffy in the middle.
For the carbonara...
Bring water to the boil in a saucepan for the tagliatelle.
Once boiling add the tagliatelle and cook according to packet guidelines.
In the mean time, fry the bacon until crispy.
Drain out the water when it is finished and while the tagliatelle is still hot, add the cream and whisked eggs along with the parsley and stir it all together.
Then add the bacon to the tagliatelle and serve with the dough balls and broccoli.
¡Buen provecho!
